Our Aims for Every Disciple
- Attending on Sundays
- Involved in cell group
- Ministering in the body and in the world
- Serving to disciple/encourage others in DNA partnerships
Our two main ways of encouraging growth as disciples of Christ are through our Cell Groups and our DNA (Discipleship, Nurturing and Accountability) Partnerships.
What are Cell Groups?
They are a small groups of people who seek to live out and apply all the basic functions of the Church. As a cell in the body carries out all the basic bodily processes, so a small group of this nature performs all the basic functions of the Church, the Body of Christ.
Our groups meet on Tuesday and Thursday in homes around the area as well as in our Church Buildings.
People join cell groups by invitation from Group Leaders or the Pastors.
What are DNA Partnerships?
Groups of 2 or 3 believers (of the same gender) meeting together with the common aim of growing to become more Christ-like. The partnerships meet once a month for 1-2 hours with a specific focus and cell groups generally close once a month to facilitate this. The partnerships can meet anytime, not just on cell group nights. Married couples can meet at different times so nobody misses out.