What's on
Listed below are the special events that have been arranged. For further details on our regular activities please select the link below.
Regular Activities
There are a number of activities that take place on a regular basis in the life of the church.
SUNDAY: Main Church services
We have two services on Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am with coffee served between them.
Both services include separate Children’s activities, but Limitless Youth currently only have a separate class during the 9:30am service.
The second service is live-streamed on YouTube.
During the sermon each week we provide the following classes for children:
- Ages 0 to 1: Parent & Baby Room at the foyer end of the building for parents to use with their children under 1 year
- Ages 1 – 3 years (inclusive) Creche room behind the band
- Ages 4 to school year 1: Seedlings in Chatsworth House
- School years 2 to 6 (ages 7 – 11): Limitless Kids at Chatsworth House
- School years 7 to 11 (ages 11 – 16): Limitless Youth at Chatsworth House
If you’re not sure where to go please go to the back and the ushers will point you in the right direction.
SUNDAY: Engage
We hold an ‘Engage’ event on the last Sunday of each month. This is for anyone aged between 17 and 39 and usually meets in the Church.
MONDAY: Little Steps Parents and Toddler Group
Meeting term time only between 10:00am and 11:30am in the church. We offer homemade cakes and a cuppa along with a snack for the kids and all parents, grandparents or carers are welcome to drop in with their babies and toddlers.
TUESDAY: Cell Groups
They are a small groups of people who seek to live out and apply all the basic functions of the Church. As a cell in the body carries out all the basic bodily processes, so a small group of this nature performs all the basic functions of the Church, the Body of Christ.
Our groups meet on Tuesday and Thursday in homes around the area as well as in our Church buildings.
WEDNESDAY: Encounter
‘Encounter’ is a ministry aimed at the more senior members of our Church. It is a place where we can encounter God personally, and invite those around us to encounter God too. It has a varied programme and runs weekly on Wednesdays in the church from 1pm – 2:30pm.
THURSDAY: Cell Groups
They are a small groups of people who seek to live out and apply all the basic functions of the Church. As a cell in the body carries out all the basic bodily processes, so a small group of this nature performs all the basic functions of the Church, the Body of Christ.
Our groups meet on Tuesday and Thursday in homes around the area as well as in our Church buildings.
FRIDAY: Limitless
Meeting between 7:00pm and 9:00pm (term time only) normally meeting in the Church for those in school years 7 – 11.
MONTHLY: DNA Partnerships
Groups of 2 or 3 believers (of the same gender) meeting together with the common aim of growing to become more Christ-like.
The partnerships meet once a month.
Special Events
Listed below are the special events that have been arranged.