
MissionsOur missions purpose is to release and equip people to transform lives, communities and nations with the love of Christ.

John and Rachel McDonough

John & Rachel have been members of our church for a number of years and served as missionaries in Paraguay for a year in 2009/10

Following this they spent a further 2 years at the request of the Elim International Missions Department, in Honduras, to help with a transition to the national leadership. They then moved back to Paraguay where they have been since 2012 and continue to minister today. In 2016 they were ordained as Elim Ministers and we are their sending church.

After learning Guarani, which is the indigenous language spoken throughout Paraguay, they began working with first nation communities, including places where people had not yet heard or received the gospel. They built relationships with the people, shared the bible with them and have helped them to access health care. They continue to teach and disciple those who have become Christians and also visit other communities that they are now building contact with.

They work with young adults leaving care and help them to start out in their new lives, as they often do not have the support of family or friends outside of the homes they come from. They are looking to develop a training and equipping facility that will help bridge that gap, whilst also providing discipleship and fellowship.

As a church we support them practically, prayerfully and financially through our Missionary Support Fund, where members and attenders are able to donate amounts of any size on a monthly or one-off basis.

Find out their latest updates by going to https://www.elim.org.uk/Articles/486206/John_and_Rachel.aspx


One of our main areas of missions support is in the Philippines, partnering with our sister organisation Miracle Revival Church of the Philippines (MRCP) in the development of their ministry among the indigenous Tribes of the Mountain ranges in Northern Luzon, some 150 miles north of Manila at the small village of Oyao, not far from Bambang City.

Our funding over past years has built the Inter-Tribal Missions Centre, which seats 500 and is used for major gatherings of the Churches in the area, as well as providing a base for the Evangelistic Team and the Tribal Bible School, a vehicle for outreach ministry, and a nursery school in Oyao, in the mountains.

We have also supported the purchase and development of land in Bambang City where a Church building and Christian school have now been built, which is linked to our partner Church in Manila, Living Epistle Christian Family Church. This serves the growing number of tribal people who migrate from the Mountains to the city to work and study.  The Church is led by Pastor Lahoi Roi’s Bingay along with his wife Christine and baby Ezra.